2024 in Review
In many ways, 2024 felt like the end of a chapter in craft beer. Obviously, there are a lot of headlines out there about the decline in craft beer across the United States and the new challengers to the shelf space. They say the time of “lines around the block” and “if you build it,…
2023 in Review
What a ride 2023 was. We started the year with a full slate of new releases, ramping into our 8-year anniversary party in early March, which we celebrated as only Top Guns could. The summer was a busy one with lots of fan favorites returning to the taps. In part, that’s why we had fewer…
2022 in Review
2022 was our first full year in our new home at The Braniff Centre, and a year of more firsts for On Rotation. Despite having been at this for almost 8 years now, we had not, to date, entered any professional brewing competitions until this year. We sent beers off to be judged in the…
2021 in Review
And we thought 2020 was an interesting year. 2021 proved to be its own sort of animal. We started the year in the midst of construction on our new location while still dealing with COVID-19 and supply chain issues caused by the pandemic. Like our fellow Texans, we endured the great freeze of February 2021,…
2020 in Review
Is it safe to say 2020 was an odd year? When we did our retrospective on 2019, we had no idea what was in store for us in 2020. Needless to say, all bets were off on new releases and production volumes, but we are proud of what we accomplished this past year.
2019 in Review
We went a little bonkers in 2018 releasing 99 brand new brews. Our batch sizing certainly helped us hit those numbers as we used our pilot system (15 gallons) in tandem with our 3BBL brewhouse all year long. Going into 2019, we set our sights on brewing more volume, in addition to new recipes, and…
2018 in Review
On top of favorites like Jalapeño Saison and Café Au Lait, we released 99 brand new beers in 2018 and bested the record we set in 2017 of 48.