On Rotation’s Mexican Barleywine Is Not Just A Barleywine, It’s A Pepper Beer, Too. [Central Track]
I have become a fan of pepper beers in the last year, so I am a fan of this beer. The beer is confusing, too, because the sweetness, caramel and richness of a barleywine is masked by ancho chile. It’s weird, but it’s good. This is not an all-nighter sort of beer, but it’s a…
On Rotation Moar Blackberry is Bright, Playful And Better Than Your Average Fruit Beer. [Central Track]
I’m a fan of Moar Blackberry. Unlike some fruit beers, I want to order another round. The fruit is here and quite noticeable, however, it finishes very dry and there seems to be little residual sugar. That sugary fruit thing is what normally drives me nuts about fruit beers – they are just hard to…
Forget A Trip To Ikea, On Rotation’s Limited Edition Sahti Is Your New Lingonberry Jam. [Central Track]
The DFW beer scene is crowded, and it can be a challenge to offer a beer with a high novelty factor. But On Rotation knocks it out of the park with Lingonberry Sahti with its almost sour tartness, clean drinking experience and refreshing originality. Ben Smithson, Central Track (November 24, 2016)
On Rotation’s MP3 Sings An Interesting Tune, But Does It Belong In Your Playlist? [Central Track]
Sitting here at the bar, at On Rotation, I can see in to the brewhouse. It looks like two of its fermenters are mid-stream on brewing up a batch of beer. There are six orange hoses perched on the kettle. It’s mostly quiet back there. But that’s not to say that this brewery hasn’t been…
We Have The Hots For On Rotation’s Jalapeno Saison. [Central Track]
While pepper dominates the aroma, it splits first-dibs duties with that classic saison spice and funk that I love on the tongue. There’s a bit of hotness from the pepper, but it doesn’t overwhelm me at any point. The subtle spice from the pepper continues in aftertaste form, long after the swallow. But, again, while…
The 100 Best Beers in North Texas Right Now. [Central Track]
37. On Rotation’s Jalepeño Saison. On Rotation should (and mostly does) brew this beer all the time. 69. On Rotation’s Saved By the Belma. Ben Smithson, Central Track (March 2, 2016)
On Rotation’s Alright Because It’s Saved By The Belma. [Central Track]
Have you visited On Rotation yet? I sure have. And you should, too. If you live in East Dallas, you’re a beer fan and you haven’t visited On Rotation yet, you should re-evaluate your life… While On Rotation does not yet have a set of standard year-round beers on its menu, you can probably expect…
A Definitive Guide To Every Dallas-Fort Worth Area Brewery Currently In Operation. [Central Track]
A few regular stock favorites are brewed here, but On Rotation’s bread and butter are the constantly changing, “explosively experimental” one-off batches available in the taproom. Cory Graves, Central Track (September 10, 2015)
The Spread: Breakfast Comes To Lower Greenville, Ten Bells Tavern Turns Two and Community Is World Cup-Obsessed. [Central Track]
This week in craft beer, On Rotation, a small-batch brewery/tasting room/growler station announced that it’s coming to White Rock at the intersection of Gaston and Grand. The brewery has already garnered attention in the craft beer world, winning a blue ribbon at Brew Riot for its Project Raspberry and creating a buzz for its Jalapeno Saison. Contributor,…