thu12jan4:00 pmJörmungandr the World Serpent Belgian Braggot ReleaseNew On Rotation Beer Release

Event Details

We think the American Homebrewers Association says it best:

“The histories of beer and mead are intertwined in the cultural evolution of man. At some point, a clear genius married the qualities of mead and beer in a hybrid beverage known as braggot.”

From Braggot: The Best of Mead and Beer

When mead and beer get together, the result is a braggot. So when we got together with our friends at Bee & Brew Meadery, there could only be one outcome.

Jörmungandr is the name of the large (very large) serpent who lives in the sea, encircling the Earth (Midgard in Norse mythology) while biting its own tail. As the mythology goes, when it releases its tail, Ragnarök (a.k.a. the final battle of the world) begins.

Our Braggot might not be so dramatic, but a beer this big needed a BIG name.

Brewed with 120 pounds of Texas wildflower honey, approximately 40 pounds per barrel of beer, and fermented with a classic Belgian yeast, our braggot feels like a cousin to a Belgian dark strong. It’s big and bold, but there’s a viscosity to the liquid suggestive of the pounds of honey within.

The wildflower honey gives it a floral bouquet of aromas, which creates a medley combined with the spicy and floral Belgian esters produced by the yeast in fermentation.

Have a sip, and you might be convinced that Ragnarök will begin when your glass is empty.


Thursday, January 12, 4:00 pm 4:00pm

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