wed02apr6:15 pmwed10:00 pmBoards & Brews Monthly Board Game NightBoard Game Meetup

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Every first Wednesday of the month, we host a game night with the Boards & Brews Dallas Meetup at On Rotation.

Boards & Brews is a meetup for anyone interested in playing board games, card games, and other tabletop games in a friendly, social, and casual atmosphere.

Whether you’re an avid gamer, new in town, or just want to blow off some steam after work, Boards & Brews welcomes any and all for a fun night of gaming (and brews!)

Our Boards & Brews Game Night is open to all ages, though we do encourage all who attend to enjoy the brews & the grub while gaming.

Wednesdays are also Clean Slate Wednesdays at On Rotation, when guest beers and ciders that are about to run out and be “rotated” are available at a discount.

Feel free to bring your own games. Organizers from Boards & Brews will typically bring games for all to play or to learn.


Wednesday, April 2, 6:15 pm 6:15pm – 10:00pm

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Future Event Times in this Repeating Event Series

7May 6:15pm4June 6:15pm2July 6:15pm6August 6:15pm3September 6:15pm1October 6:15pm5November 6:15pm3December 6:15pm7January 20266:15pm4February 20266:15pm4March 20266:15pm1April 20266:15pm6May 20266:15pm3June 20266:15pm1July 20266:15pm5August 20266:15pm2September 20266:15pm7October 20266:15pm4November 20266:15pm2December 20266:15pm6January 20276:15pm3February 20276:15pm3March 20276:15pm7April 20276:15pm5May 20276:15pm